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A whiskey born of an ancient island, the Kingdom of Mann, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve bound by sparkling seas...

'"Ushtey Bea", meaning "Water of Life" - the Manx Gaelic expression for Whiskey

BECOME A CLUB MEMBER today & receive your Limited Edition Bottle of FIRST RELEASE Isle of Man Single Malt Whiskey in 2026...

In 2022, our first trial cask of new spirit distilled by us in 2018 reached the landmark age of 3 years, 3 months and 3 days - the minimum aging period that we are adopting for our Single Malt Whiskey.

This extra minimum time in the barrel is a homage to our Island’s ancient triskelion symbol - The Three Legs of Mann - and a nod towards a famous expression on our island: "Traa dy Lioor", meaning "Time Enough".

Our aim has always been to prepare ourselves for full scale production of the finest Manx ‘grain to bottle’ Single Malt Whiskey - and with last year’s successful harvest of our Manx malt barley, and the installation and lengthy fine tuning of our dedicated twin copper-pot Whiskey Still, we are confident that the time has now come…

Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club - Membership Benefits

Join the Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club today and for £333 you will receive:

  • A 70cl Bottle of Ushtey Bea Fynoderee – Isle of Man Single Malt Whiskey from the FIRST EVER release. A once in a lifetime opportunity to become the owner of a First Release bottle numbered from 101 to 1100.

    First Release bottle numbers will be balloted on Wednesday 30th November 2022. Remaining bottles will then be allocated on a first come first served basis. Each numbered bottle will be presented in 2026 in Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club “First Release” commemorative packaging and we will also send you 2 x 5cl miniature bottles in case you wish to keep your commemorative bottle but still want to enjoy a celebratory dram!

    Our First Release bottles will be ready at the earliest in 2026

  • A Member's Welcome Pack that will include a Wooden Membership Card and a Limited Edition Mounted Artwork Print by renowned Manx artist (and Fynoderee bottle label designer) Julia Ashby-Smyth. Each print will be signed and numbered to confirm your Bottle/ Membership Number. The Welcome Pack will also include a £50 Voucher and a sample of our first ever malted Manx barley. These will be ready to dispatch from Monday 12th December 2022 - just in time for Christmas gifting!

  • 10cl Bottle of Rehollys New Make Manx Moonlight Spirit fresh from the stills

  • A place for you and a guest on one of our scheduled Whiskey Tours (starting March 2023)

  • A Native Tree planted in your name. Our whiskey will be aged in oak barrels, and as part of our commitment to the Isle of Man Biosphere pledges we have taken, we will be working with The Manx Wildlife Trust to plant native trees. There will be one native tree planted for every Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club Member and we will organise special tree planting expeditions.

  • 10% lifetime discount on Fynoderee Distillery Spirits and Regular Founders Club Updates and advance pre-release notifications and invitations to all our future Whiskey events.

Join the Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club for £333

Terms & Conditions of Purchase

If you have any queries, please email

Your support will help us fund and scale-up our production of Ushtey Bea Fynoderee - Isle of Man Single Malt and put the Isle of Man on the global Whiskey map.

About The Fynoderee Distillery

With Island family roots that can be traced back through the centuries, local couple and entrepreneurs Paul and Tiffany Kerruish founded The Fynoderee Distillery in 2017.

Their passion for distilling premium Manx spirits with genuine provenance took us from humble beginnings - in a shed at the back of their home - to a much-loved local drinks brand, renowned for our premium range of award-winning Manx Gins, Rum and Vodka.

Read more >>> About The Fynoderee Distillery <<<

About Our Isle of Man Whiskey

Learn more about the provenance of Ushtey Bea Fynoderee - Isle of Man Single Malt Whiskey...

> Celts, Vikings & Independent ‘Spirit’

Glen Auldyn, the spritual home of our brand, is without doubt one of the most magical places on the Isle of Man – steeped in folklore and history. READ >>> The Fynoderee Folk Story <<<

It is also the location where Norse invaders first attacked the indigenous Celts. They had a hard time defeating the Celts but over the course of several battles they eventually triumphed in 1079AD at the Battle of Scacafell (Skyhill) and the Viking era of rule began; including with it, the start of Tynwald, the Isle of Man’s independent parliament that still governs today and is in fact the oldest continuous parliament in the world.

Manx independence carries through in many aspects of life here on the Island and this freedom will allow The Fynoderee Distillery to operate and develop its own high standards of production and experimentation.

Despite historically not being known as a whiskey island (we’re confident that crofters will have created their own versions!). the Isle of Man Government must have had a premonition… when it enacted the “Manx Whiskey Regulations 1995” which set out the legal parameters that we must adhere to. Thankfully, the bar is set very high, which is exactly how we like it, but the regulations do allow for us to experiment and develop a whiskey with its own unique Manx characteristics.

> Our Malted Grain

Raking Manx Malt Barley 'in the green' at Warminster

33 miles long by 13 miles at its widest point, the Isle of Man is swathed in low lying, highly fertile plains with a backbone of high moorland and rugged hills.

The Island's temperate climate and topography, surrounded by the Gulf Stream waters of the Irish Sea, has made it an ideal location for growing malting barley with genuine provenance and unique ‘terroir’.

The Manx people have farmed and tended the land for thousands of years. This rich agricultural heritage and expertise, combined with the favourable excise regime installed by the Lord of Mann centuries ago, made the Isle of Man one of the world’s most successful exporters of beer at one stage in our collective history.

Then, in 2021, The Fynoderee Distillery commissioned the Island’s first ever crop of 'Laureate Barley' - a ‘distiller’s grain’ with a proven track record for making high quality malt spirit.

An abundant crop, grown on a coastal farm on the fossiliferous limestone peninsula of Scarlett in the south of the Island, resulted in a yield exceeding 50 tonnes.

The care and attention to our crop was superbly managed by local farmer Pentii Christian - to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude for his mastery, and patience with what was akin to dealing with expectant parents!

With no malthouse on the Island (for now) we needed to send our grain away for malting. With quality being at the top of our list, we only wanted to work with the best. Warminster Maltings, traditional maltsters with a heritage dating back over 165 years, were always going to be our first choice.

We were overjoyed when we visited their historical buildings to see our Manx barley “in the green” on the traditional malting floor of Warminster (pictured above). To then be told by owner Robin Appel, that our grain was among the very finest grown in Britain of that year was the icing on the cake.

As you would expect, the quality of their work was simply outstanding, maximising the flavour potential from every single grain. We cannot thank them enough for their patience and expertise.

> Wort, Wash & Water


Whilst a custom brew house will be a focal part of our new bespoke distillery in the years to come, in the meantime, we have arrangements with the Island’s largest two breweries to make 'wort' for us from our Laureate Manx Malt.


The wort is then transported to The Fynoderee Distillery in Ramsey for fermentation, where we add our chosen strains of yeast to create our house 'wash'.

This ensures we are achieving the highest standards of production at every stage of the process whilst also overseeing the key stages of flavour creation and extraction.

We are already experimenting with different yeasts and looking to quickly create a house style of wash for our future flagship Ushtey Bea Fynoderee – Isle of Man Single Malt.


Our “green hills by the sea” are green for good reason! The Isle of Man is blessed with high rainfall and a sophisticated supply of pristine, soft water ideal for 'mashing'.

When it comes to reducing our whiskey for bottling, we have various water options available - including the use of Manx natural spring water or bore holing.

> Our Whiskey Stills - “Huginn & Muninn”

Alongside our original alembic copper pot stills and i-Still 2000, we always intended to produce our whiskey using traditional purpose-built stills.

Our dual copper pot still system, the only one of its kind in Europe, is perfect from both a distilling and aesthetic point of view and will be used exclusively for producing our whiskey.

Our dual pots (pictured above) get their names from Norse mythology. “Huginn and Muninn” are the pair of Ravens that sit on the Norse God Odin’s shoulders. They fly all over the world, returning to him with a wealth of information and insight. In old Norse, these names translate to ‘Thought’ (Huginn) and “Memory and Emotion” (Muninn).

> The Whiskey Casks

Our initial production of Ushtey Bea Fynoderee will be aged in ‘first fill’ Bourbon casks, originating from the Heavens Hill Distillery in Kentucky, USA and supplied to us by Speyside Cooperage in Scotland.

We are incredibly lucky to be working with an experienced cooper on Island who is assisting us with our cask maintenance. Orry Williams learnt his craft in the wine industry of Australia and we can’t wait to introduce you to him along with other members of our distilling team.

While no fixed decisions have been made, it is our intention to work with different ‘finishing’ barrels and we already have several custom-made STR quarter casks in the distillery primed for experimentation.

We look forward to sharing more details with you as our Ushtey Bea Fynoderee story develops - and to raising a “Jourym” (Manx dram) with you in about 3 years, 3 months and 3 days time!

To become the proud owner of a 'First Release' 70cl bottle of Ushtey Bea Fynoderee - Isle of Man Single Malt Whiskey, JOIN the Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club TODAY!

Join The Fynoderee Founders Whiskey Club for £333

Terms & Conditions of Purchase

If you have any queries, please email

"Slaynt as shee as eash dy vea, as maynrys son dy bra"

(The Manx Toast)