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Perfect Serves of Fyn

02 February 2022

A Perfect Serve of Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin - Autumn Edition

To really enjoy your Fyn, make sure it's a Perfect Serve...

All Mythical Fynoderee Manx Spirits from the Isle of Man have a recommended garnish and preferred Fever-Tree mixer(s) which help to accentuate the flavours of the botanicals in our unique recipes.

A slice of lemon and a low calibre tonic will not do your Fyn justice, so next time you're served Fyn - in a bar or at home - make sure you ask for a Perfect Serve.

Perfect Serves of Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin

To really enjoy your Fyn...

  1. Pour a double measure (5cl) of Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin over ice
  2. Add Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water
  3. And Garnish with:
  • Elder Shee* - a twist of lemon peel
  • Elder Shee Rose* (pre-order now!) - juicy lime and raspberries (also lovely with fresh mint or lemon thyme)
  • Spring - a wedge of pink grapefruit - or a sprig of fresh rosemary or thyme
  • Summer - slices of fresh, juicy strawberry - or some raspberries or cucumber
  • Autumn - slices of fresh apple and/ or some blackberries
  • Winter - a twist of orange peel - and a beautiful cassia quill if you have one handy
  • Kerala Chai - juicy slices of lime
  • Pink Summer - fresh raspberries

*Our Elder Shee and Elder Shee Rose Editions are especially delicious paired with Fever-Tree Premium Mediterranean Tonic Water, or alternatively Elderflower Tonic Water or Sicilian Lemon Tonic Water.

Fever-Tree's Aromatic Tonic Water (the pink one), also pairs nicely with Summer and Kerala Chai.

So, if you don't have our recommended fresh garnish to hand, and plan to reach for a lemon, please think twice before you slice!

While lemon does go well with Elder Shee, Autumn and Sloe, a slice of fresh, juicy LIME is generally a better 'back-up' garnish than lemon to best complement Fynoderee Manx Dry gins.).


    Manx Sloe Gin

    For the perfect "Manx Sloe Gin Serve", pour a large measure of Fynoderee Manx Sloe Gin into a tumbler and top with some freshly squeezed lemon juice and Fever-Tree Premium Soda Water.


    Manx Bumbee Vodka

    Fynoderee Manx Bumbee Vodka tastes buzzing with slices of zzzzingy lime and favourite Fever-Tree mixers such as Fever-Tree Soda, Fever-Tree Sicilian Lemonade and Fever-Tree Ginger Beer.


    Glashtyn Spiced Manx Rum

    For the perfect "Glashtyn Serve", pour a double measure of Glashtyn Spiced Manx Rum into a tiki glass over ice, add Fever-Tree Madagascan Cola or Fever-Tree Ginger Ale and garnish with a wedge of lime.


      Looking for more Fynspiration?

      Share a fyntastic afternoon with friends in Cocktail Class behind The Fyn Bar! 


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