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There was a great shout, "Hurrah for the Mheillea!" it rang through the glen and echoed through the mountain...
'Autumn' (one of our four seasonal Fynoderee Manx Dry Gins) is a celebration of 'harvest-time' on the Isle of Man - a season of revelry since Celtic times.
Our taste of Autumn features crisp Manx apple and crab apple, the earthiness of hand-picked rowanberry and rosehip, and the sweetness of wild-foraged plum.
To really enjoy your Fyn, make sure it's a Perfect Serve Fyn & Tonic...
For the perfect "Autumn Serve", pour a double measure of Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin - Autumn Edition into a Fynoderee Distillery Balloon Glass over ice, add Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water and garnish with slices of fresh apple, or some blackberries.
The Four Seasons of Fynoderee Manx Dry Gins also make amazing cocktails too... Check out our Fyn Cocktails for some fynspiration.