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The first of February, known as Imbolc or Saint Brigid’s Day (Laa’l Breeshey in Manx), was always considered the very first day of spring in the Celtic calendar.
Although it’s not time to pack away the woolies just yet, the first signs of rebirth and renewal are just beginning to show themselves. And something a little more sinister is also afoot…
Imbolc is the day the Caillagh ny Groamagh — or ‘gloomy witch’ — washes up on Manx shores. Superstition states that if it is a wet day, the witch would be unable to gather dry fire sticks, conjuring good weather for the rest of the season to enable her to collect them. However, should the day remain dry, she would collect all that she needed and cast poor weather for the remainder of spring. How mean!
It’s been a dry “Laa’l Breeshey” on the Isle of Man today. So, Fyn Fans, you know what to do to moisten things down and save the season!
Cast off the cloak of January and banish the gloomy witches with our delicious 2022 Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin – Spring Edition.
Here’s to lighter, brighter days to come.
As we slip in to the Autumnal groove, we’re very pleased to confirm that The Fyn Bar will be remaining open every Friday and Saturday between now and Christmas!