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When we make our Fynoderee Manx Dry Gins we do not include the first part of the distillation (the heads) or the later stages (known as the feints or tails) in what becomes our final product. We only use the ‘heart’ where the flavours are at their optimal.
Craft distilleries in the U.K. can send their waste alcohol to large scale industrial distilleries to be re-distilled and re-processed, but for The Fynoderee Distillery here on the Isle of Man that has not been economically viable due to our costly stretch of water! Investing in the the iStill enables us to do this for ourselves now... It’s just one of the benefits of this amazing high tech still system that sits alongside our copper pot stills, blending modern technology with ancient tradition.
Re-processing of our feints is helping us learn the specific operation of our I-Still and at the same time acts as the perfect cleaning and “sweetening” procedure before we use it to develop some exciting new products. Our iStill is just limbering itself up before it takes on an extremely large challenge.... more news to come soon!
As we slip in to the Autumnal groove, we’re very pleased to confirm that The Fyn Bar will be remaining open every Friday and Saturday between now and Christmas!