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With licensing already granted for the Ginny Patch last week (subject to success today) we now have all the necessary approvals required to progress and aim to have it functional ASAP!
In addition, we also received unanimous approval to our planning application to extend our interior opening hours.
So… what does this mean?
Very happily, it means the FYN BAR & SHOP will now be open EVERY DAY during TT Fortnight from 11am – 11pm including Mad Sunday.
The Ginny Patch – if operational – will close by 10pm.
Due to some ongoing issues that we hope will be rectified shortly, some of our background folk music will be restricted to our currently approved music and dancing licensing hours of 10pm Mon - Thurs and 6.30pm Sunday.
We just want to say a huge thank you to everybody who has supported us with positive comments over the last few very challenging days. It has truly meant the world to us, and we can’t wait to welcome visitors to our beloved Ramsey for the return of our Island’s most magical fortnight!
As we slip in to the Autumnal groove, we’re very pleased to confirm that The Fyn Bar will be remaining open every Friday and Saturday between now and Christmas!