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Here’s a sneaky peek at our hopeful plans to create the “Ginny Patch” outside terrace.
Sometimes on very rare Manx occasions, the sun comes out. The air temperature rises. The hoolies die down.
When the weather’s like this on our enchanted Island, we all long to sit outside to make the most of it! And there’s nothing we’d love more than to give our customers the chance to sip a Fyn & Tonic or Fyn Cocktail in the Ramsey summer sunshine.
So, we’ve been pressing ahead with plans to transform the disused scrub land opposite the distillery front entrance into an outside terrace, complete with wooden picnic-style benches and chairs for use during daylight hours.
Subject to planning permission, this area of land will be leased from the Department of Infrastructure and will enable us to not only provide an outside space for our customers, but also for customers using the Manx Electric Railway while waiting for departing trams.
As well as benefitting from glorious sunshine through the afternoon and evening, it’s also a potential biodiversity hotspot. We’re planning to work closely with Manx Wildlife Trust to lay suitable wildflower turf up the bank, and plant fragrant and pretty wildflowers to attract butterflies, bees and other essential pollinators.
Should our plans come to fruition, we’re hopeful that the Ginny Patch will become a true local asset; a place to be enjoyed by many.
The decision lies in the hands of the ‘planning process’, but we hope to have the area open by the end of May 2022.
We’ll keep you posted, Fyn Fans!
As we slip in to the Autumnal groove, we’re very pleased to confirm that The Fyn Bar will be remaining open every Friday and Saturday between now and Christmas!