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Glashtyn: A deep dive into our latest label artwork

07 January 2022

Glashtyn: A deep dive into our latest label artwork

Our Glashtyn Spiced Manx Rum label is a beautiful addition to The Fynoderee Distillery collection and was drawn by Julia Ashby Smyth (the local artist who has created all our exquisite labels to date) and digitised for print by our local design agency, 572.

This particular label was conceived to convey the watery world of the Glashtyn — a Manx folklore character that haunts the shallow waters of the Island’s coastline along with other maritime elements of Manx tradition and culture. The Glashtyn is known to be a “shapeshifter” - a being that can transform from one form to another. He appears as a water-horse in its aquatic habitat but transforms to a bedraggled yet handsome gentleman in a long dripping wet hooded coat when he comes ashore.

Despite the transformation to human form, he doesn’t quite manage to convert his horse ears, which he hides under his hood!

Glashtyn - The Water-Horse


We wanted a glamorous, stylised version of a water horse that could incorporate what have become the iconic Celtic copper swirls associated with our other spirit labels.

The label depicts the Glashtyn breaking out of the swirling brine of the Irish Sea — his pearlescent eye glinting in the moonlight. Rumour has it that the Glashtyn likes to horde pearls that he has collected from shipwrecked treasure and stolen from ladies he has dragged down in to the murky depths.

Be under no illusion — the intriguing Glashtyn is not a nice fella!



To the left of the label you’ll find Herring Gulls. Our distillery is located in the fishing town of Ramsey, which happens to be the starting point of the “Raad Ny Foillan” or Way of the Gull: a 100 mile coastal footpath that circumnavigates the whole island.

This spectacular route allows walkers to spot a diverse array of marine wildlife.

Just be careful after dark, as you never know who — or what — you might bump into…


Mending the Nets

The Fynoderee takes a backseat on this label, but we couldn’t possibly leave him off.

As described in the many spin-off stories that surround our eponymous hero, the Fynoderee is a helpful character and often carries out work overnight to assist humankind, particularly those who toil the land and seas. One such report is of assisting the fishermen of Ramsey to mend the holes in their fishing nets.

Glashtyn - Mending the nets


The fishing fleet of Ramsey and elsewhere on the Island spend a good proportion of the year trawling for “Queenies” or Queen Scallops. We included them on our label as a famous and delicious Manx delicacy — adding a pop of pink to the palette of the scene.



Ramsey Bay was the first Manx Marine Nature Reserve and the home to many species of seaweed and seagrass meadows. These kelp forests that surround our Island make the ideal lurking place for a sneaky Glashtyn!


The Manx “Nickie”

The traditional red-sailed fishing boat is a Manx Nickie.

The Nickie was a copy and evolution of the Cornish herring drifters that visited the island in the early 1800s, gaining its moniker from the name "Nicholas", a popular Cornish christian name amongst the crews.

A few decades later, the Manx “Nobby” superseded the Nickie requiring fewer crew to sail it.


The Moon

Did you know that there is a full moon on every Fynoderee label?

Seen as “the light that rules the night” in Celtic mythology, we’re fascinated with how the ancient celts were governed by the moon and its connection with nature, the seasons, hunting, fishing and farming.

Of course, ‘after dark’ is also the time when we mostly enjoy our spirits!

Glashtyn Bottle - PencilGlashtyn - The final product
Glashtyn - Artwork by Julia Ashby Smyth


We hope you’ve enjoyed our little tour around the Glashtyn label. A huge thank you to Julia Ashby Smyth for conjuring yet another magical creation for our mythic Manx spirits!

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