To enter the realm of The Fynoderee, please confirm you are of legal drinking age in your country of residence:
or No thanks.Shipping Outside the UK/British Isles? order from one of our EU Stores
We will be producing a further 250 Litres tomorrow and donating this first 500 Litres of our 80% alcohol “World Health Organisation Approved Recipe” for alcohol sanitiser to Isle of Man Government to bolster supplies for our Healthcare Facilities, Emergency Services, those schools that remain operational for key worker children and other critical and essential services where it is needed most during this present period of shortages. These 500 litres have also been supported by Ellerslie Farm who have donated 5 litre containers and Words & Spaces who are printing the bottle labels.
To get to this point, we have had to liaise at speed with several areas of Government (Trading Standards, Customs & Excise and the Government Analyst for advice and testing) as well as many private individuals who have kindly offered their expertise and assistance and we are grateful to everybody who has contributed to the project to date.
On advice, we made the decision to not use our waste alcohol at this stage (as this contains traces of gin botanicals) and use our supply of pure ethanol to ensure that we adhere to the WHO approved recipe, making it suitable for use in clinical environments. Having taken the steps we have to ensure it is high performing quality product, we have also spent a considerable time securing meaningful import to the Island of the relevant constituent ingredients and so that we will be continuing to produce further large batches of sanitiser on an on-going basis to meet the Island’s demand during the COVID-19 crisis.
Initially our ongoing production will also be focused on supply to the Island’s Healthcare Facilities, Emergency Services and other essential services to meet the needs of the community as a whole. We are investigating the ability to widen distribution to the general public but this involves a whole other set of protocols we need to manage / overcome and we will report further on this in the coming updates.
We understand from the numerous messages received that people are understandably concerned at the well known global shortage in sanitiser but please be assured we are going to do everything we can to help mitigate this issue for the Island, as far as we are able.
As we slip in to the Autumnal groove, we’re very pleased to confirm that The Fyn Bar will be remaining open every Friday and Saturday between now and Christmas!