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The Fynoderee Distillery team are delighted to announce a collaboration with fellow Manx producer Paula's Kitchen IOM, designed to make it even easier to pour the perfect Fyn & Tonic!
Each Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin has a recommended garnish that helps accentuate the botanicals in its unique recipe, but keeping a fresh supply of citrus and other fruit is not always possible.
That's why Paula’s Kitchen have created a range of Dehydrated Garnishes for us - the perfect addition to every gin lover’s store cupboard!
Simply drop a slice or two into your favourite Fyn & Tonic to release the intense zesty flavour. No slicing, no waste, no fuss!
Each bag of Paula’s Kitchen Dehydrated Garnish contains 100% locally dehydrated fruit with no colourings, flavourings or additives.
Available in bags of:
AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY from and from the pop up* Fynoderee Distillery Warehouse Shop on Tower Road in Ramsey (*during December 2020).
As we slip in to the Autumnal groove, we’re very pleased to confirm that The Fyn Bar will be remaining open every Friday and Saturday between now and Christmas!