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Give (or receive) 4 x 70cl bottles of Fyn with a Four Seasons of Fyn Subscription - and SAVE Time, SAVE Effort and SAVE Money!
Pay once, and you or your recipient will receive a beautiful "Fyn Club" Certificate followed by a seasonal 70cl bottle of Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin from the Isle of Man in each of the following four seasons.
Each subscription is for a total of four 70cl bottles of Fyn at 43% ABV - that's one Spring, one Summer, one Autumn and one Winter bottle per Certificate, delivered seasonally to the "Fyn Club" member.
Subscription Price: Just £152!
Here's how it works:
1. The Four Seasons "Fyn Club" subscription is paid in advance in full by you (the purchaser) - either as a subscription for yourself or as a gift for someone else... You may even like to add on some Fynoderee Distillery Balloon Glasses too, or other Fyntastic Gifts & Merchandise.
2. You can provide a separate "Shipping Address" for the bottles of Fyn and a different "Billing Address" during the Check Out process as appropriate.
3. We will post the Four Seasons "Fyn Club" Certificate either to you or to your gift recipient, according to your instructions.
a. If the subscription is for you, or if you would like to present the Certificate to a gift recipient yourself, please add a note in the "Gift Message" section of the Shopping Cart to say that you would like the Certificate to remain blank and to be posted to the Billing Address.
b. If you would like us to post the Certificate as a gift on your behalf, please use the "Gift Message" section of the Shopping Cart to provide a message to your gift recipient and we will write this onto their Certificate for you. Please also provide any additional instructions, such as the intended date(s) for them to receive their Certificate and first (or all) seasonal bottle(s).
5. We will post a beautiful "Fyn Club" Certificate and the first seasons bottle to you or your gift recipient within 2 business days of your purchase being made (unless you request a specific start date in the 'Gift Message' section of the Shopping Cart).
6. Postage of the "Fyn Club" Certificate and subsequent shipping of the four seasonal bottles of Fyn is included in the subscription price.
7. With each change of the season, a new bottle of Fyn will automatically be shipped to the "Fyn Club" member's address, until a total of four 70cl bottles have been delivered (- unless you would like them all to be posted in one initial delivery and request this at the time of your order.)
8. 'Sip' back and relax - Four Seasons of Fyn is on it's way!
9. To really enjoy your Fyn, make sure it's a Perfect Serve Fyn & Tonic or a Fyn Cocktail!
Sign up for a Four Seasons of Fyn Subscription: