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Isle of Man Biosphere Partner

13 October 2017

Isle of Man Biosphere Partner

The Fynoderee Distillery has been accepted as a ‘Project Partner’ of the Isle of Man Biosphere Initiative.

A ‘Biosphere’ is the scientific name for the living surface of our planet, encompassing the land, the sea and the air we breathe.

UNESCO Biosphere Regions are areas across the globe that have been endorsed by the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme as outstanding places for nature and for people – places where there is a healthy balance between the two.

And did you know that the Isle of Man is the first Island nation to gain this impressive status?

Being accepted as a Project Partner of the Isle of Man Biosphere initiative means The Fynoderee Distillery has made pledges to:
  • Protect our natural resources
  • Develop our economy in a sustainable way
  • Support and promote our cultural heritage
  • Make our environmental impact positive wherever possible
  • Engage with the local community
  • Promote our outstanding living landscape and seascape through active involvement with UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man

We have so many exciting plans up our sleeves for delivering on these pledges over the coming months.

Isn’t it good to know that by choosing Fynoderee Manx Dry Gin, not only will you be enjoying high quality, artisan Gin made on the Isle of Man with skill and passion, you will also be supporting a local Manx business in upholding its pledges that benefit us all here on our beautiful Island!

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